Group of windmills

Why Sustainable Energy Business Holds the Key to the Future?

Introduction to Sustainable energy

Henrik Lund defines in his book that the energy that does not deplete and is available perpetually is called sustainable. Beyond, there are many dimensions associated with such energy in terms of economy, environment, and society.

In line with this, experts call energy sustainable:

  • When it helps the government to balance the energy needs at lower costs and at the same time generate revenue by supplying, 
  • When it does not or does less harm to nature, biodiversity, and the environment, 
  • When it creates job opportunities for the local community surrounding the source.

The first energy that comes to our mind when we think of sustainable energy is the sun. Then comes water, wind, biomass, etc. These energy sources are inexhaustible. And importantly can serve our future generations without any scarcity. 

How are Sustainable and Renewable Energies Related?

Lately, people began considering these terms as synonyms. However, it is not true. Here is why? Renewable energy, as the name implies, gets naturally renewed by itself. For example, consider wind power, geothermal, or solar energy. These energies get renewed by nature. 

Largely, most renewable energies are also referred to as sustainable unless they do not harm the environment or deplete. But not all renewable energies are sustainable. Because renewable energy aims at fulfilling the energy needs of the present. And not the future like in sustainable energy.  

Recent Trends in Sustainable Energy

In a recent study published in 2020, researchers insist on increased population, urbanization, and energy needs. The study also highlights the need for the development of sustainable and renewable energy systems. 

Taking into account, many countries have invested their time, energy, and funds to promote sustainable energy production. However, with the rapidly growing global warming issues, the development of sustainable energy seems insufficient. In fact, every nation has to create a movement towards renewable bioenergy and biofuel production instead of going with the conventional use of fossil fuels.   

What Can We Cherish in Using Sustainable Energy?

Making use of sustainable energy will not only fulfill the current needs of energy consumption. But will reduce carbon footprint to a greater extent. This reduction can slow down the pace at which:

  • The earth gets heated
    (NOAA claims last year (2022) to be the 6th most warmest year on record),  
  • Greenhouse gases get emitted
    (Fossil fuel combustion and the industrial revolution contributed to 78% of greenhouse gas release in the United States),
  • Air gets polluted
    (Globally air pollution is the cause of nearly ~11.7% of deaths),

and a lot more. 

Moreover, sustainable energy becomes a reliable and immediate source of energy production. Above all, developing sustainable energy systems throughout the country creates huge job opportunities domestically.

Over years, we can cherish “no pollution” or “zero carbon footprint” cities and states in the country.  

Though investing in the switch from conventional energy or power production plants to sustainable energy systems like solar Photovoltaics (PV), anaerobic digestion, tidal power plants, wind turbines, etc can cost hefty, the maintenance costs are pretty low and the viability of the systems are indeed longer than usual. 

Why is Sustainable Energy Business Important? And how it Shapes the Future?

It all lies in the thought and action of whether we want to give our future generation a good planet to live on or not. If the answer is yes, then we have to power up toward sustainable energy. 

In today’s scenario, with increasing and irreversible environmental harm, each investment and development in sustainable energy are important. Thus, sustainable energy businesses and the industry as a whole have a crucial role to play. It not only decides the future of energy production and the country’s economy. But shapes the future per se and the quality of living!


Unless we totally replace the non-renewable and environment-polluting fossil fuel-burning method for energy production, we cannot promote sustainability in energy production. 

Countries have to collaborate to share the technologies, processes, and procedures to quickly develop sustainable energy systems. Undoubtedly, this will replace the use of non-renewable energy. And we can entirely start relying upon sustainable energy and production.     



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