The next several decades could witness an extended phase of energy-driven inflation, acute shortage of fuel and declined economic growth as electricity supplies are exposed to shocks. It should be remembered that there will be a major energy crisis when the world is transitioning to clean power. Oil is an invaluable resource that runs most economies, and invariably almost all modern industries run on energy generated from it. All these years, the primary sources of energy have been non-renewable based. Once replenished, it is irrevertible. Clean energy sources still cannot supply the energy required for world consumption. Early days? Definitely. But at least a handful of countries have stepped forward to reduce the use of non-renewable energy. This blog will attempt to answer the question: why do people need to switch to renewable energy sources?
Clean & Safe: Renewable energy is the future because it is absolutely clean and safe. Alternative energy is the way ahead. Wind turbines convert kinetic energy into mechanical energy for the production of electricity. When oil is produced, it has to be processed by oil plant machinery before it could be consumed. Renewable energy information continues to promote low carbon emissions, thereby mitigating the effects of greenhouse gases on the ecosystem. Renewable energy products are designed to emit zero carbon emissions. Green energy is clean energy as it doesn’t contain any toxic wastes. No combustion, no chemicals, and more importantly, all the renewable energy sources is reversible.
Function as independent power sources:
Sustainable energy companies enable consumers to set up independent power sources. In many cases, they pave the way for uninterrupted power sources. For instance, if your independent power source is a personal wind turbine, it could easily power lightings and basic appliances. You don’t have to bank on your regular electricity sources always. All said and done there isn’t anything like zero cost renewable energy as there is a maintenance cost involved whether you need to operate a biogas converter, solar panel, bio-fueled vehicle, or wind turbine. But undoubtedly, it can easily reduce the bill by a few hundred dollars. There is higher energy savings compared to the use of conventional fuels.
Tax credit: Government tax credit and subsidiaries for renewable energy sources is a welcome move especially for homeowners who have set up specific equipment for insulation, roofing, heating and cooling, and energy-efficient windows. The government, therefore, is playing a key role in rolling out subsidiaries first for setting up renewable energy sources and then in energy conservation.
Greater freedom of choice:
Clean or renewable energy sources provide consumers greater freedom and flexibility of choice. Green energy companies aren’t slapped with monthly bills, unlike the national energy provider. Even if you have their products at home, you can almost achieve zero energy or power savings.
As we see, the future of renewable energy is quite promising. The cost per BTU (British Thermal Unit, a unit of heat) has been on a decline. How clean energy equipment can be integrated into vehicles, buildings and primary energy sources is improving. With global climate fears driving the governments to adopt drastic measures in supporting energy projects with tax relief, grants, subsidiaries and other incentives, renewable energy sources are here to stay.