Wind Turbines

Advantages of Wind energy

As we are currently in the dark age of Climate Emergency, It is crucial to reduce the amount of co2 emissions released into the atmosphere by switching to clean energy resources. Wind Energy is one of the Efficient renewable energy resources; Studies show that Wind energy has contributed to the prevention of 305 million metric tons of Co2 Emissions from being released into the atmosphere. Undoubtedly, There are Various advantages to adopting wind energy.

In this article, You will briefly encounter Wind Energy and its Advantages.

How do Wind Turbines work?

Wind turbines convert the natural wind into rotational energy and later convert it into electricity with the help of a generator.

There are three main types of wind energy systems.

1) Land-Based Wind Energy – It uses kinetic energy from the wind to generate electricity.

2) Distributed Wind Energy – Distributed energy resources are a collection of small, modular power-generation technologies that are combined to improve the operation of the electricity distribution system.

3) Offshore Wind Energy – offshore wind energy is produced by installing wind farms in Nbodies of water.

Advantages of Wind Energy

1) Cost-Efficient
Renewable energies are already the least expensive energy sources. Wind power has advanced tremendously technologically, and installation costs have decreased significantly. Over the last decade, the onshore expenses of wind turbines have dropped by 37%, and the price of lithium batteries for storing electricity has plummeted by 85%.

2) Benefits the Environment
Wind energy does not pollute the atmosphere by releasing harmful substances, which highly benefit the environment and humans. Wind energy does not produce waste or contaminated water. Unlike fossil fuels and nuclear power plants, wind energy preserves water resources.

3) Boosts the Economy
Renewable energy contributes to economic growth by boosting trade, lowering the cost of fuel imports, inspiring capital investment and landlord lease payments. Wind energy also creates new jobs in this expanding engineering field. Landowners who rent out land to wind farms can earn a lot of money. According to the Wind Vision Report, The wind energy sector seems to generate more than 600,000 jobs by 2050.

4) Energy Efficient
Wind Energy is the most efficient among other renewable energy sources. The recent technological advancements have transformed preliminary wind turbine designs into efficient energy harvesters. Wind energy accounts for approximately 2.5 percent of total global electricity production. Wind energy is more efficient than solar energy. Wind turbines emit fewer CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. A wind turbine emits 4.64 grams of CO2 per kWh, whereas a solar panel emits 70 grams of CO2 per kWh.Wind power also consumes less energy while producing more energy than solar panels.

5) Reliable and Low Operational costs
The wind will never dry up. The technology will advance, and the turbines may change, but the wind will be ever-present. Wind power is an infinite resource. Wind turbines, in general, require little maintenance after installation and operation. The technology may be sophisticated, but the mechanics are simple and dependable. As more people use it, lower operational costs can reduce electricity costs for the consumer.

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