Natural Coal

Advantages of Natural Coal

Coal is undeniably the largest Energy Resource in the world for generating Electricity. Statistics show that the global consumption of coal is 8,561,852,178 tons per year. In this article, We will briefly discover information about coal and its advantages.

Types of Coal:

Coal is a Natural resource that generates energy. There are four types of coal depending upon the carbon content and the amount of energy generation. They are as follows:

  • Anthracite – It is the highest grade of coal. It contains 86-92% of carbon content. It can generate 32-33 MJ/kg of heat energy. Anthracite produces less pollution, and it is more energy-efficient than other types of coal.
  • Bituminous – It is the most abundant form of coal. It comprises 76-86 % of carbon content, and it can generate up to 23-33 MJ/kg of heat.
  • Subbituminous – MostPower plants use this type of coal. It consists of 70-76% of carbon content. It can produce 18-23MJ/kg of heat.
  • Lignite – It is the lowest grade of coal. It consists of 65-70% of carbon content. It can produce 17-18MJ/kg of heat.79% of Electric generation comes from lignite.

Advantages of Coal:


Coal is relatively cheaper than other fossil fuels. It is also abundant across the world.

Improves Economic Efficiency

Coal creates employment opportunities in mines and power plants. Coal mining is one of the largest sectors to provide jobs. It has over 7 million workers globally.

Stable Energy Resource:

Unlike other Energy resources, The power generation from coal-burning is stable, and it is available throughout the year irrespective of weather conditions.


The process of power generation from coal-burning is simple. It is possible to use the byproducts of coal, Thus reducing the amount of wastage. Similarly, The transportation of coal is effortless.


The chief concern when working with fossil fuels is the risk of explosion; however, Coal is safer from fire hazards when compared to other fossil fuels.

Alternative energy resources to Coal:

Though, Coal is an abundant natural energy resource used widely. It is a non-renewable energy resource. It takes 12,000-60,000 years for peat to accumulate, and it takes more years for peat to transform into coal. Statistics show With the current consumption rate, the coal will run out in 133 years. Switching to renewable energy resources for generating power is the best step towards a green future.

Some of the Best Renewable energy alternatives to coal are:-

1)Geothermal Energy

Geothermal Energy is the heat energy released from the earth’s crust. It is one of the cleanest and reliable forms of energy and gets replenished naturally.

2)Wind Energy

Wind Energy is a highly expanding renewable energy resource in the world. Wind turbines can generate 87,600 kW of power per year.

3)Solar Energy

Solar energy is transforming the heat energy of the sun into electricity. Under perfect sunlight, Solar panels can generate 500-550 kWh of energy per year.

4)Hydropower from flowing water

Hydropower is the electric energy generated from the flowing water through the turbines. The chief advantage of hydropower is that both large-scale projects such as big dams and small-scale projects such as rivers and streams can generate hydropower energy.

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