Wind Energy

Growth of Wind Energy in India

The necessity of switching to cleaner and sustainable energy resources is becoming highly crucial because of the depletion of natural energy resources. Renewable energy is the safest alternative to non-renewable energy resources. Global wind energy is one of the efficient renewable energy resources which is becoming increasingly popular in India because of its numerous benefits. In this article, you will learn about the growth of Wind Energy in India.

Wind energy has a mature supply chain advantage that has stimulated the domestic market, creating over 1.2 million full-time direct local jobs, and it seems to reach 3.3 million by 2025.

Wind energy has mature supply chain advantages, and India has an established and easily expandable production base of over 10GW with 80-90% local content, in line with the Atmanirbhar Bharat mission. Wind energy is still very competitive and efficient, the turbine load factor is over 40%, and there is a reduction in the cost of wind energy. The combination of wind power and storage batteries (batteries) is one of the most reliable renewable energy sources to meet peak demand.

Wind energy is essential for India’s transition to a clean energy economy. India has great potential for over 300 GW of onshore wind and 195 GW of offshore wind. Wind power, along with hybrid and storage systems, is key to producing enough green power to drive India’s electrical mobility revolution. It will accelerate the energy transition and eliminate the need for massive and pricey oil exports.

To date, private sector investment has predominantly driven the growth of India’s wind sector. The government’s policy and fiscal support have enabled the industry to take the necessary business risks to advance the segment and galvanize investment in an increasing number of states. Furthermore, the wind power industry has enthusiastically supported the government’s vision of promoting a diverse manufacturing sector in India through the ‘Make In India’ initiative. The decision to place manufacturing at the heart of India’s growth model necessitates a significant increase in the energy capacity required to power India’s development.

The conventional wind power industry leads India’s wind energy sector with solid progress. The expansion of the wind industry has resulted in a robust environment, project operation possibilities, and an industrial base of 10,000+ MW per year. With a total installed capacity of 39.87 GW (as of 30 September 2021), the nation ranks fourth in the world in terms of wind capacity factor, accounting for approximately 66 percent of the wind capacity goal of 60 GW under the 175 GW RE target by 2022. Wind generation was 24.57 billion units between April and July 2021.

Wind turbines do not emit pollutants into the atmosphere that cause acid rain, smog, or greenhouse gas emissions. Wind energy is one of the cleanest energy resources to contribute to the environment. The growth of the wind energy sector in India can help to tackle the emerging environmental problems in India. Furthermore, It can also contribute to the economy by generating jobs.

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