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5 Things EV Owners Should Know About Maintenance

Most people buy Electric Vehicles (EVs) for the sake of the environment and are not aware of the nuances of maintaining such EVs. Thus, we’ve curated in this article—5 things that every EV owner should know about maintenance. 

  1. Nature of EV tires
  2. Frequency of servicing
  3. Battery voltage and life 
  4. There are chances for corrosion
  5. When to top-up the battery coolants

Why are EVs getting more popular day by day?

Nature of EV tires

In general, EV tires are made up of a combination of rubber and its relative compounds. So there are a lot of chances for quick wear and tear. Plus, when fitted with tires that have low rolling resistance, the wear is much quicker. Thus, as an EV owner, when you want to replace your tires, you may have to check these factors in addition to just checking the size compatibility. 

Moreover, in order to bear the torque while carrying heavy loads, the tire must have a higher load index, like in one of Hyundai’s EVs, where the tire weighs about three hundred kg. Also, ensure the tread pattern on the tires reduces the noise of the vehicle. 

Frequency of servicing

If you’re thinking that EVs do not require much maintenance, we’re sorry! Though EVs do not require as much servicing as conventional fuel-run vehicles, they may need some periodic checks that can help you avoid unwanted servicing and expenses. There are two kinds of servicing: scheduled and on-demand. Learn more about scheduled and unscheduled maintenance for EVs here!

Battery voltage and life 

Today, most EVs run on a lead-acid battery, and only some vehicles run on lithium-ion batteries. The ideal voltage for the former is 12 volts, which gives reasonable control over the battery. While the latter works on four to eight hundred volts. 

As a standard, the EV manufacturers recommend that EV owners undergo a battery check at least once a year to avoid unnecessary battery outages. Also, as EV batteries are rechargeable, they can last only three to four years. After that, the battery should be replaced for full-capacity charging and running. Ensure to check the corresponding vehicle’s or model’s battery warranty when purchasing.  

Did you know? EV batteries cannot stand extreme temperatures like the scorching sun or freezing winters. So do not keep them open under these extreme conditions.

There are chances for corrosion

Yes, some parts of your EV may get exposed to corrosion over time, and you have to check them at least two to three times a year. And if you witness any such corrosive parts, you have to service the vehicle (importantly the underbody) and allow it to flush away all the corrosion, salt deposits, dust, etc.    

When to top-up the battery coolants

Some EV manufacturers, like Tesla, promise that their battery coolants work lifelong and may not need a top-up in between. In this case, you do not need to check the coolant levels during every service cycle or scheduled maintenance. Instead, you can check them once every two or three years to be on the safe side.

On the other hand, other EV manufacturers recommend that EV owners check the battery coolant levels frequently. In this case, you have to include this in your checklist when servicing. 

ConclusionNow that you know about the different aspects of maintaining an EV, you can contribute to the growth of your country’s economy by purchasing one. Yes, EVs have been found to boost the global economy. Read more!

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